Once you’ve decided the method you’d like to take notes (paper or digital), gathered any supplies you need and got yourself organized, it’s time to take notes! Continuing from the first 4 steps in the previous blog How to take good notes! Part 1: Getting ready!let’s dive into the next steps to taking notes in lectures!

Step 5: Write down the essentials

You may not have needed to take notes in high school, and as you start college or university, you might be wondering how it’s done. Luckily, you’ve come to the right place: this article is a step-by-step guide to taking useful, usable notes in post-secondary.

Let’s get started!


Step 1: Paper or digital? 

There are many resources out there to help support students entering post-secondary education. Of those available, some of the most unique resources come from the perspective of a fellow peer, who’s been in your shoes and has the experience to support you. Learn more about peer mentoring and tutoring services from the perspective of a student!

Starting postsecondary can make people feel a variety of emotions. Change can be scary. This blog post should hopefully help you feel more prepared for your transition as it will cover the main differences between postsecondary and high school.

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