Group of four students on a post-secondary campus smiling. The EYES-ON-PSE logo is visible in the corner of the image.

TRG Next is a series of 4 modules designed to help students feel significantly more prepared, informed, and confident to begin their first semester of post-secondary studies. Each module has a companion workbook and activities to complete that allow students to self-reflect, practice necessary skills, and explore information about their post-secondary school.

TRG Next is FREE to access! Click the links in the drop downs below to access the modules.

Module 1: Preparing for Change

CLICK HERE to go to Module 1: Preparing for Change

If you are heading to post-secondary, are nervous about the change, and want to know what to expect, check out Module 1!

Module 2: Academics at Post-Secondary

CLICK HERE to go to Module 2: Academics at Post-Secondary

Post-secondary brings with it new academic expectations and plenty of opportunities to learn and explore your interests. Learn how to make the most of your academic journey in Module 2!

Module 3: Learning Skills

CLICK HERE to go to Module 3: Learning Skills

Do your study skills need a tune-up? Do you struggle with time management or procrastination? Learn tips and tricks for academic success in Module 3!

Module 4: Thriving on Campus

CLICK HERE to go to Module 4: Thriving on Campus

Post-secondary isn’t all about academics! Check out this module to learn resources and strategies to support your physical, mental, and social well-being on campus. 

Will you require accessibility services at post-secondary? This module also goes over what you need to know about accessibility services and accommodations!

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